We are a dutch team of rhythm game players. Because of our strong passion we created a team, a team for fun and to compete to other. Also we share a ton of cool rhythm game related stuf like songpacks.


Benjamin (Behy)


Ricardo (Kirituin)


Anton (Electromuis)




Bram (Fietsemaker)

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-25 at 18.36.13

Dinand (Nandii)

Competition prices:
GH    = GuitarHero
DDR = Dance Dance Revolution
ITG    = In the Groove
PIU    = Pump It Up
Key    = Stepmania/Osu!mania keyboard

DDR Kirituin: 3th place Stay on Beat

ITG Behy: 2nd place Nishicon Heavy

ITG Behy: 3th place Dutch Coast Stamina

ITG Jerros: 2nd  place Dutch Coast Stamina

ITG Behy: 2nd place DDR-EXP Heavy V6

DDR Behy: 3th place FAST 2017

ITG Behy: 3th place Casual Sightread

ITG Electromuis: 4th place Casual Sightread

ITG Behy: 1st place MGC Heavy

ITG Jerros: 3th place MGC Heavy

ITG Kirituin: 3th place MGC Light

GH Jerros/Kirituin: 1st place MGC

GH Jerros: 1st place DDR-EXP V5

KEY Behy: 3th place DDR-EXP light V5

ITG Behy: 2nd place NishiCon 2016

ITG Kirituin: 1st place DDR-EXP light V4

PIU Behy: 3th place Arrow stompers 2016